
Changing for the better.

We want to change things for the better. The EOS Group has defined its sustainability goals in its Corporate Responsibility (CR) strategy. It lends structure to our commitment and encourages us to act even more responsibly.
A green world flourishes with plants as two individuals promote sustainability - one painting a heart, the other standing on a small ladder, symbolizing care and progress.


In a rapidly changing world, challenges present us with new business realities. For companies to align with and embrace sustainability, all stakeholders must be transformed. Thus, EOS focuses on four areas of sustainable practices: responsible debt collection, social responsibility, financial sustainability, and environmental protection. EOS builds its sustainability strategy on the foundations of corporate social responsibility, entrepreneurial engagement, and empowerment of all stakeholders. In addition to environmental protection, our focus lies on financial sustainability, responsible debt collection practices, and striking a balance between our clients' interests and debtors' financial capabilities. Financial literacy is also crucial to EOS, as we aim to reduce the likelihood of individuals falling into debt.

Managing director Janez Klančar
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‘For us, debt collection means taking responsibility – not only for the company’s own employees and clients, but also for consumers, society and the entire debt collection industry. In short, changing for the better.’

Marwin Ramcke
Chairman of the EOS Group’s Board of Directors

Sustainability Strategy and Goals

Receivables management means taking responsibility

We are successful in business because we embrace change and take responsibility for all that we do. We want to change things for the better for our clients and employees, but also for consumers, our industry, and society.

Sustainability is an integral part of our corporate responsibility. Our CR activities go beyond environmental protection. As an international finance service provider, we are especially committed to social responsibility and corporate governance.

Our special concerns are divided into four fields of action within our CR strategy: Responsible collection, Joint progress, Financial sustainability & Environmental protection.

The commitment of our leadership to social responsibility

At EOS KSI, we recognise the importance of social responsibility. Our operations are based on responsible debt collection and adherence to legal and ethical standards encompassing transparency, accountability, and impartiality. We are committed to social responsibility and have embraced the pledge of "Changing finances for the better," striving for a better tomorrow for all.

Our sustainability strategy encompasses four pillars of responsible conduct: financial sustainability, responsible debt collection, social responsibility, and environmental conservation. Our goal is to achieve long-term business success and company development while considering the interests of all stakeholders. We commit to continuously seeking a balance between our clients' interests and debtors' financial capabilities.

Furthermore, we pledge to ensure fair and respectful treatment of all stakeholders. Our employees are the foundation of our growth and development; therefore, we prioritise and commit to caring for their quality of life. As an employer, we pledge to continue providing fair compensation, lifelong learning opportunities, additional pension plans, and developing employees' skills, abilities, and personal growth. We encourage employees to take the initiative in achieving goals. We also commit to increasing attention to diversity and inclusion, fostering a team environment that includes every employee in discussions and decision-making processes.

The commitment of our leadership to respecting human rights

At EOS KSI, we know that respect for human rights is crucial for successful and socially responsible businesses. As a company, we carefully monitor potential adverse effects on all stakeholders' human rights and prevent or eliminate them. We pay special attention to the rights of our employees and are committed to providing them with a safe and healthy working environment free of discrimination and harassment. We are committed to checking potential risks in the supply chain, taking action in the event of violations, and establishing an anonymous reporting system. We are committed to transparent and honest business and long-term mutual trust with respect for the human rights of all stakeholders. We firmly oppose social risks, such as child or forced labour, and are committed to equal treatment of all employees, regardless of personal circumstances.

Materiality as starting point for our sustainability strategy

EOS further elaborated its CR strategy with the involvement of internal and external experts and developed a materiality matrix in 2022. It represents the most important sustainability topics for our external stakeholders, as well as for EOS, and forms the basis for the future direction of EOS' sustainability strategy.

Global responsibility: The UN Global Compact

The EOS Group joined the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest pact for corporate responsibility, in 2021. As a member, we pledge our commitment to the compact’s 10 principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. Each new member first must derive its own goals from the 10 principles. We did so in the past year, identifying our goals from the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to which we can make the most effective contribution. The SDGs we selected, along with the associated key figures and goals are important benchmarks in our corporate responsibility strategy. As required by the Compact, we will report on our progress once a year in our “Communication on Progress” (COP).
Overview of eight UN Global Compact icons showing #3 good health and well-being, #4 quality education, #5 gender equality, #10 reduced inequalities, #16 peace, justice and strong institutions, #17 partnerships for the goals, #13 climate actions.
Skupina EOS se je leta 2021 pridružila Globalnemu dogovoru Združenih narodov, največjemu svetovnemu paktu za korporativno odgovornost. Kot član se zavezujemo k spoštovanju 10 načel sporazuma o človekovih pravicah, delu, okolju in boju proti korupciji. Iz desetih načel mora vsak novi član najprej izpeljati lastne cilje.

To smo storili v preteklem letu in opredelili naše cilje skladno s cilji trajnostnega razvoja ZN (UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs), h katerim lahko najbolj učinkovito prispevamo. Cilji trajnostnega razvoja, ki smo jih izbrali, skupaj s povezanimi ključnimi podatki in lasnimi cilji, so pomembna merila v naši strategiji korporativne odgovornosti. Kot zahteva dogovor, bomo enkrat letno poročali o našem napredku v našem trajnostnem poročilu.

News and Activities

EOS Group achieves top industry recognition with outstanding ESG ratings

The EOS Group once again received significant recognition in 2025 for its outstanding performance in the area of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG). The renowned rating agency Morningstar Sustainalytics awarded us both the "Top Rated Industry" and "Top Rated Regional" awards. These place the EOS Group among the top two percent of companies in the consumer finance sector for the second year in a row.

"With the independent ESG rating, we are making our contribution to sustainable development transparent. The top rankings show that our corporate responsibility strategy is successful and that we are very well positioned in many areas," CEO Marwin Ramcke explains.

Furthermore, our commitment to sustainability was recognized for the first time with the EcoVadis Bronze Medal. These accolades emphasize the continuous pursuit of responsible and sustainable actions.

Together with our partners, customers, and the future generation, we are shaping a world in which sustainability is a priority for everyone.
Značke: Najbolje ocenjeni v industriji po ESG & Najbolje ocenjeni v regiji po ESG<br/>Copyright @2025 Morningstar Sustainalytics. Vse pravice pridržane

Ekvilib cerfificate Socially responsible employer

On April 21, 2022, the Ekvilb Institute's Board of Auditors awarded us the Socially Responsible Employer Accession Certificate - access certificate in integrated social responsibility management, becoming an internationally recognised and established certification in sustainable business.

IRDO certificate Strategist for social responsibility and sustainable development (CSO)

In June 2023, EOS KSI obtained the Certificate Strategist for social responsibility and sustainable development (CSO).

As a company, we know the importance of strategic management in  ​​social responsibility and sustainable development, so we train our employees in this area with the help of independent external institutions. At IRDO - the Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility, EOS KSI trained its employees and thus obtained the certificate of Strategist for Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development.
Certifikat Prejme

Signatories to the Diversity Charter

In EOS KSI d.o.o. by signing the Slovenia Diversity Charter in 2020, we committed ourselves to implement the principles of diversity, equality and inclusion of all members in society. We believe diversity fosters innovation, is a source of progress and development, and leads to a more creative work environment.
Logo: Listina raznolikosti Slovenija

Learn more about our fields of action

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Joint progress

We take on social responsibility within the EOS Group by promoting empowerment, diversity and inclusion, and in society through our educational initiatives.
Več informacij o Joint progress
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Environmental protection

As a strong member of the Otto Group, EOS supports the Group’s climate protection strategy, that pursues the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C. Together we work on implementing targeted measures.
Learn more about Environmental protection
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Financial sustainability

EOS advocates strong, binding industry standards and responsibility guidelines. We apply strict criteria when we price portfolio purchases and make other investments.
Learn more about Financial sustainability

Additional material and content

Our responsibility. Report as PDF for download.

Download the summary PDF here.
Download now

Do you have questions about our CR strategy? We will be happy to answer them!

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Kristina Žgur

EOS KSI, Upravljanje terjatev d.o.o.

Letališka cesta 33

SI-1000 Ljubljana

Phone: 05/90 78 088