Sustainability Strategy and Goals
Receivables management means taking responsibility
We are successful in business because we embrace change and take responsibility for all that we do. We want to change things for the better for our clients and employees, but also for consumers, our industry, and society.
Sustainability is an integral part of our corporate responsibility. Our CR activities go beyond environmental protection. As an international finance service provider, we are especially committed to social responsibility and corporate governance.
Our special concerns are divided into four fields of action within our CR strategy: Responsible collection, Joint progress, Financial sustainability & Environmental protection.
The commitment of our leadership to social responsibility
Our sustainability strategy encompasses four pillars of responsible conduct: financial sustainability, responsible debt collection, social responsibility, and environmental conservation. Our goal is to achieve long-term business success and company development while considering the interests of all stakeholders. We commit to continuously seeking a balance between our clients' interests and debtors' financial capabilities.
Furthermore, we pledge to ensure fair and respectful treatment of all stakeholders. Our employees are the foundation of our growth and development; therefore, we prioritise and commit to caring for their quality of life. As an employer, we pledge to continue providing fair compensation, lifelong learning opportunities, additional pension plans, and developing employees' skills, abilities, and personal growth. We encourage employees to take the initiative in achieving goals. We also commit to increasing attention to diversity and inclusion, fostering a team environment that includes every employee in discussions and decision-making processes.
The commitment of our leadership to respecting human rights
Materiality as starting point for our sustainability strategy
EOS further elaborated its CR strategy with the involvement of internal and external experts and developed a materiality matrix in 2022. It represents the most important sustainability topics for our external stakeholders, as well as for EOS, and forms the basis for the future direction of EOS' sustainability strategy.
Global responsibility: The UN Global Compact
To smo storili v preteklem letu in opredelili naše cilje skladno s cilji trajnostnega razvoja ZN (UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs), h katerim lahko najbolj učinkovito prispevamo. Cilji trajnostnega razvoja, ki smo jih izbrali, skupaj s povezanimi ključnimi podatki in lasnimi cilji, so pomembna merila v naši strategiji korporativne odgovornosti. Kot zahteva dogovor, bomo enkrat letno poročali o našem napredku v našem trajnostnem poročilu.
News and Activities
Additional material and content
Do you have questions about our CR strategy? We will be happy to answer them!

Kristina Žgur
EOS KSI, Upravljanje terjatev d.o.o.
Letališka cesta 33
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone: 05/90 78 088