

Company name: EOS KSI d.o.o.

Company address: Letališka cesta 33, Ljubljana

Contact details::

Registration number: 1539965000

Tax number: 44603517, the company is liable for VAT

Entry in the court register: The company is registered in District Court of Ljubljana under registration number 1/33483/00.

Company director: Janez Klančar

Legal notice: The contents published on this website are the property of EOS KSI, d.o.o. and are protected by copyright. Any copying, reproduction or distribution of the content without the company's permission is prohibited.

Disclaimer: EOS KSI strives to ensure the accuracy and up-to-dateness of the data on this website, but does not assume responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies. The company is also not responsible for the content of external links.