Young woman in white blouse stands on a gallery in front of a high glass façade and looks at her smartphone.

Financial sustainability

EOS advocates strong, binding industry standards and responsibility guidelines. We apply strict criteria when we price portfolio purchases and make other investments.

Digital Responsibility & Cyber Security: How EOS protects sensitive data

Data are the business foundation of the EOS Group. This is why we employ around 90 people across the Group to constantly improve data protection and information security. With the help of monitoring tools, we were able to identify and stop around 600 attempted attacks in 2022/23 alone. As part of the new “Iron EOS” program, we are currently establishing a protection system that will enable us to respond not just quickly but also in a coordinated way across the entire Group.
Close up of a man going through a data analysis on a tablet

Business Ethics & Safeguard Compliance: Helping to shape our sector

The EOS Group is involved in 23 European debt collection associations and various initiatives to help create strict and binding standards and responsible guidelines in the debt collection sector. 

To eliminate irregularities, the EOS Group also operates a platform that offers whistleblowers a protected space and is integrated in the mechanism of the Otto Group. There, employees, suppliers, service providers and customers can report compliance violations at EOS and in the Otto Group. None of the five cases reported in 2022/23 were substantial or necessitated a countermeasure.
EOS v Globalnem dogovoru Združenih narodov: Alisha Kumar in Sibylle Weingart govorita o strategiji družbene odgovornosti podjetja EOS.

Association work for high standards

Through its membership of numerous national and international associations, EOS is actively working to help design and implement ethical standards in the industry.

Responsible Acquisition of Portfolios & Partnerships: Zdrave vrednote v sodelovanju

Poslovni svet slabih terjatev zahteva visoko stopnjo odgovornosti. Kot del družinskega podjetja, skupine Otto, smo pozorni tudi na cenovno politiko, ki zadovoljuje interese in etične standarde vseh vpletenih strani na dolgi rok. Na primer: V partnerstvu s hčerinsko družbo Svetovne banke, Mednarodno finančno korporacijo (IFC), bo EOS v treh letih v vzhodni Evropi v skladu s standardi ESG (Okoljski, socialni in upravljavski) investiral več kot 100 milijonov evrov v slabe terjatve in nepremičnine.

Pri izbiri partnerjev in strank EOS uporablja stroge kriterije. Ti vključujejo redne preglede partnerjev in podjetij glede na to, kako se lotevajo vprašanj, kot so človekove pravice, pranje denarja in korupcija, pa tudi industrijski črni seznam.

Naš Code of Conduct za ponudnike storitev, ki vsebuje cilje trajnostnega razvoja Združenih narodov (UN SDGs) in določila iz zakona o skrbi za dobavno verigo, zagotavlja pravično ravnanje z dobavitelji. 
During an official ceremony on September 20, 2022, representatives of IFC and EOS formalized their collaboration on the purchase of NPLs and distressed real estate in Eastern Europe. Marwin Ramcke, Vittorio Di Bello, Carsten Tidow, Ariane Di Iorio

Naš Code of Conduct: Jasna pravila za pošteno interakcijo

Z našim kodeksom ravnanja (Code of Conduct) smo postavili zavezujoče obveznosti v zvezi z našimi vsakodnevnimi dejavnostmi. Opredeljena načela ravnanja so zavezujoča za naše zaposlene, stranke in partnerje ter so vsem dostopna na spletnih straneh podjetij EOS. Kodeks ravnanja nenehno izpopolnjujemo. Posebnost pri njem je, da natančno odraža realnost ciljne skupine, za katero je bil ustvarjen. Za dopolnitev tega dokumenta našim zaposlenim ponujamo učne module na to temo.
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CSR overview