Real estate sale
Our team consists of highly qualified experts with many years of experience in the field of debt collection against natural and legal persons and in the field of real estate and movable property sales. On a daily basis, we aim to provide efficient and professional services.
In our portfolios we have real estates from all parts of Slovenia with a value from 10,000 euros to 10 million euros of development potential: apartments, houses, apartments, commercial buildings and land for various uses.

At EOS KSI d.o.o., we believe that every property is an opportunity. Our expertise and experience enable us to uncover hidden potentials and provide our clients with the best investment opportunities."
Our offer includes:
Apartments · Houses · Flats · Commercial buildings · Land for various purposes

Apartment house / Mlajtinci
Price: EUR 23,750.00
The object of the sale is a residential house owned by the debtor up to 1/1 of the plot. no. 1437/1 k.o. 102 Mlajtinci. There are no easements or encumbrances on the real estate that the buyer should assume.

Building, agricultural land and buildings / Kungota
Price: EUR 5,100.00
The subject of sale is real estate, land and buildings in the area with designated use: building and agricultural land.

Apartment in an apartment building / Maribor
Price: EUR 43,875.00
The subject of sale is a property registered in the land register with the ID number of the building 659-1169-24.
In nature, an apartment on the ground floor of an apartment building at Koresova ulica 8, Maribor, measuring 45.58 m² net.

Building land and forest / Kompole
Price: EUR 9,411.20
The subject of sale is building land and forest land.
Plot 1085 317/1, Kompole, 3220 Štore.
Get in touch with us.
EOS KSI, Upravljanje terjatev d.o.o.
Corporate Investment Management Department
Letališka cesta 33
1000 Ljubljana
Phone: + 386 (0)5 9076 063