Dinamična grafika z rdečimi, belimi in črnimi pikami, ki simbolizira gibanje in inovacije v upravljanju terjatev pri EOS

EOS in Slovenia.
Changing finances for the better.

We manage your receivables. Worldwide.

We take care of your financial future: across borders, without borders. We manage your receivables in a way that suits you and your debtors. Because we know that today's debtors may become your future customers.

We create win-win solutions that make your cash flow and you can concentrate on what you're best at: your core business.

Smart financial services

icon black claim management euro

Receivables purchasing

Is your company struggling with outstanding receivables? Selling your debt portfolios to EOS allows you to reliably plan your liquidity management.
Learn more about receivables purchasing
icon black debt collection euro

Izterjava zapadlih terjatev

We take care of your outstanding receivables as your fiduciary. Our debt collection services also include a second placement option, the EOS guaranteed rate and the hybrid model.
Learn more about fiduciary collection
icon black money

Bridge loans

Does your company have a market opportunity, but you can no longer exploit it due to slow production loans from traditional providers?
Learn more about bridge loans

Annual and Sustainability Report 2023/24

Very good results in challenging times: In its 50th anniversary year, the EOS Group looks back on a demanding and successful financial year 2023/24. All key figures, business highlights and exciting throwbacks to 50 years of EOS as well as achievements and highlights of the EOS Group's commitment to its social, societal and environmental responsibility can be found in this year's annual and sustainability report.

EOS Consumer Study 2023: Is the inflation crisis set to become a debt crisis?

First the Covid-19 pandemic, now record-breaking inflation and an energy crisis: Times have been tough recently, for companies as well as for us as humans. How have consumers in Europe experienced recent months? The “Europeans in Financial Trouble?” EOS Consumer Study 2023 investigated how consumption patterns and payment behaviors are changing in the current economic situation. For the survey, a total of 7,729 consumers aged between 18 and 65 from 13 European countries provided information about their financial situation. The survey took the form of an online questionnaire and was completed between February 3-9, 2023.
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Ilustracija moškega, ki nosi velik razpadajoč bankovec, z besedilom 'Evropejci v finančnih težavah? EOS Consumer Study 2023'.
"Europeans in financial trouble?" EOS Consumer Study 2023
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"Europeans in financial trouble?" EOS Consumer Study 2023
Tri osebe v moderni pisarni delajo za mizo s skodelicami EOS in prenosnikom, medtem ko četrta oseba stoji pri kavnem avtomatu v ozadju - Timsko delo in karierne priložnosti pri EOS

We foster future talent.

We empower our employees to make their own decisions. We promote independence, courage and collaboration. Together we push the limits.
Our values